My husband and I were out for a Sunday drive when we came across this enchanting cottage in Osborne Bay. We just had to stop and take a look around this amazing property so hidden from the world. I always have my camera on me when we go for drives because I am always coming across so many beautiful things to photograph. The home is on at least three acres most of which is gardens and a lovely pond. The property takes you straight to the ocean. Whoever owns this little jewel is very fortunate. How I would love to own a home and property like this. The house exterior is wood clapboard painted a very nice green. It really blends in with the landscape.
The driveway and patio is all brick with moss growing in all the cracks. I could visualize myself sitting here in the summer with a glass of wine. Just a beautiful spot for urns overflowing with herbs and flowers.
The picket fence really adds to the quaintness of the property. Like something out of the cotswolds in England. Wouldn't it be beautiful to plant masses of hydrangeas all across the fence line?
This tiny cottage at the front of the drive would be such a wonderful place to sell antiques. Or you could turn it into a guest cottage. Hopefully when the time comes when we are looking for a home something like this will be available. Until then I will just dream and visualize myself in my own enchanting cottage!