coast.... drive and drive to take your troubles away...if only temporary...

ocean.... strong , beautiful and at times frightening... like life
The mountains too are spectacular... rugged and wild..
beckoning you to them...
The still waters of a creek... making you linger in quiet meditation
to ponder your life and where you are going. To stop looking back
over your shoulder at what could have been. Finally realising the power
in your now...
The waves crashing on the rocks as an example you can weather
this storm if you have faith ...
For me being at the ocean is the time to imagine the impossible
to break free of all my limitations. To regain my hope and know that
everything will be okay...
The road before us is not already written out. It is for us to decide.
I like knowing i have a strong guide who is with me all the way...even
if i sometimes have fear...
The enchanting path through the rain forest take me back to being a child
again ...when things were so simple and my father's love was always waiting..
Even our pets fall captive to the ocean...
their excitement overflows...
What child doesn't love to be in nature..
I love sharing this magical place with mine...
The tide comes in and like life itself you must always be aware
or it will sweep you away...
At one with peace if only for a day with myself...
May your journey in this life be filled with happieness and endless joy...
Pamela xo