come. Back home there is no middle school but here on the island this middle school is from
grade six to grade nine. High school starts in grade 10. I am not ready to have my boy in
middle school. Kindergarten seems like yesterday. I remember when he graduated from
kindergarten. I was a mess. I became so sick i even lost my voice...yes i am pathetic.
I cried every year until we got to grade three...then i managed to contain myself and just
take it as another year completed. Good for me.
I don't know about tonight though... I will be the bumbling idiot mom crying in the
crowd.... it's okay Sam totally expects this.
I cry when he brings home projects with A's on them...I cry over the reports...yes i need
a life...
Oh wait i do have one now as i have gone back to work after 12 years of staying home.
It has turned everything upside down. Crazy shifts , sometimes long and exhausting..
thank goodness my husband does it all for me at home.
The pets don't like me working . Have i mentioned this?
Pilot gets totally weirded out when i come downstairs in my uniform...maybe it's the
unattractive totally unsexy uniform that gets her. But i know it bugs her
because now she eats the cat's food. She never did this was the cat who ate
the dog food.

Hello pearls ! Haven't seen you in awhile...maybe i'll be wearing you tonight!!
There is going to be surprise awards at tonights function. I think i should bring some tissue
maybe just bring the box...
Well i am off to get pretty...apply some water proof make-up ...
Hopefully tomorrow i can get caught up with all of you since i have the day off!!
Thanks for visiting !
Pamela xo